

©The World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut
December 2006

Fruits and ovaries of Tripterygium spp. from
herbarium specimens (left) and from illustration in Loesener (1932), On the genus Tripterygium, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 50a: 5–14, Figs. A & B, T. hypoglaucum, Figs. C & D, T. regelii.

Tripterygium wilfordii illustration


A summary of a survey of the literature: Tripterygium wilfordii Hook., author unknown, appears to have been typed Sept. 1971.

NIH/NCI Memorandum, Jonathan Hartwell to Robert Perdue, Jr., 3 June 1971.  Tripterygium.

USDA Report by Murray L. Kinman, 24 Sep. 1952, on growing Tripterygium wilfordii at College Station, TX, 1943–1952.  6 pp.

USDA Reports by Morton Berosa and W. H. Hodge on growing Tripterygium wilfordii, March 30, 1950 and Oct. 24, 1952.

USDA Memorandum, Richard Spjut to Robert E. Perdue, Jr., 09 Oct. 1975.  Tripterygium and Potential Sources of Triptolide. 10 pp.

USDA Memorandum, Richard Spjut to Robert E. Perdue, Jr., 23 Oct. 1975, Identification and Source of Initial Activity in Tripterygium (Based on Telephone Conversation with Dr. Beroza). 2 pp.

USDA Memorandum, Richard Spjut to Robert E. Perdue, Jr., 10 Nov. 1975, Review of Herbarium Specimens and Key to Species of Tripterygium. 2 pp. + 2 pp illus.