Niebla ramosissima

The World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut
November 2005, Sep 2012

Niebla and Vermilacinia (Ramalinaceae) from California and Baja California.  
Spjut, R.W., 1996. ISSN 0833-1475, 208 pp.  
Sida, Botanical Miscellany 14. Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Inc.


San Nicolas Island, CA
Bratt 8124,
holotype (SBBG)


     Niebla ramosissima is a fruticose lichen endemic to San Nicolas Island, known only a single (holotype) collection. It is distinct for its flaccid thallus divided into numerous fine capillary branches, 0.5–1 mm in diam., bearing occasional apothecia and pycnidia below apex. It is one of several terricolous Niebla species that contain divaricatic acid. Another is terricolous Niebla versiforma known only from the holotype collected on a mesa above San Antonio del Mar in Baja California; it is distinguished by a more rigid thallus with thicker branches to 10 mm diam. with abundant apothecia and pycnidia.  They appear similar to N. palmeri on Isla de los Coronados that is identified by containing sekikaic acid with pycnidia limited in development, mostly at branch tips. Another divaricatic acid species, Niebla juncosa, has a relatively fragile thallus with mostly parallel branches that are more erect, or with divergent branchlets sharply differentiated from the main branch in var. spinulifera.  On San Nicolas Island other divaricatic species include N. laminaria and N. infundibula that differ in being stiffly upright, contorted in the former, relatively straight and spreading in that latter. Another species with erect rigid branches is N. dactylifera, also endemic to San Nicolas Island, that is distinguished by sekikaic acid and thallus much divided to apex with all branches erect.