

©The World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut
December 2004

Dirca occidentalis
San Mateo Co., CA
Spjut & Stoffey 6197, May 1980


Dirca occidentalis
San Mateo Co., CA
Spjut & Stoffey 6197, May 1980
close-up of leaf and fruit


Dirca occidentalis
San Mateo Co., CA
Spjut & Stoffey 6197, May 1980
close-up of nuculania (fruit)


Antileukemic and Cytotoxic Activity (Mohammed et al., J. Pharm. Sci.)

Procurement data for cancer research

USDA ARS Memorandum, Aug 7, 1980


Badawi M. M., S. S. Handa, A. D. Kinghorn, G. A. Cordell GA and N. R. Farnsworth. 1983.  Plant anticancer agents XXVII: Antileukemic and cytotoxic constituents of Dirca occidentalis (Thymelaeaceae).  J. Pharm. Sci. 72(11): 1285–1287. “Two antileukemic daphnane esters, Pimelea factor P2 (I) and the new compound dircin (II), were isolated from the twigs and flowers of Dirca occidentalis A. Gray (Thymelaeaceae). Three lignans, (-)-medioresinol (III), (+)-syringaresinol (IV), and (-)-lariciresinol (V), as well as the coumarin daphnoretin (VI), were found to be additional cytotoxic constitents of this taxon.”