Utah—Great Basin Desert-Bonneville Basin Region. Millard Co., Confusion
Range, north side of Hwy 50, ~92 miles west of Delta; 39º04'42.7",
113º43.08.9", 1716 m. Limestone-sandstone outcrops in pinyon-juniper
zone. Intricately branched, spiny shrub, 25–75 cm high and broad, older
plants with a large root; flowers yellow. Samples of root-rhizome (rt-rh)
and twig-leaf (tw-lf),
Richard Spjut & Paul Burchstead 16360. 22 June 2008

Polygala macradenia
Black Gap Wildlife Recrational Area, TX,
Oct 2007 |

Polygala macradenia
Big Bend Natl. Park, TX,
Spjut & Marin 14482, Oct 2001 |

Polygala pennae
Big Bend Natl. Park, TX,
Spjut & Marin 15684, Feb 2004