

©The World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut
May 2004, Nov 2007

Kallstroemia californica
Sonoran Desert, Imperial Co., CA
Spjut 16152, Oct 2007.
Very abundant over an area of approximately one mile along old Hwy 8 and in sandy creosote flats.

Kallstroemia hirsutissima
Mojave Desert, Clark Co., NV
Spjut 16152, Oct 2007. 

Comment: Tentatively assigned based on the conspicuously hairy sepals and yellow flowers.  Fruits have soft appressed hairs, not tufted to form a ring at base of conical style as the key by Correll & Johnston (1970) Manual Vasc. Pl. Texas requires for this species; thus, this plant might be referred to K. parviflora.  On the other hand, there is little agreement among the regional floras as to how these species should be separated.

Kallstroemia parviflora
Brewster Co., TX
Spjut 15077, Nov 2002
Sepals persistent around fruit, not notably hirsute. (Specimen includes extraneous fragment of another plant species on right)



Wilson, R. D., D. A. Witzel and J. M. Verlander.  1982. Somatosensory-evoked response of ataxic Angora goats in suspected haloxon-delayed neurotoxicity.  Am. J. Vet. Res. 43(12): 2224–2246. “Somatosensory-evoked responses (SER) were recorded in 3 Angora goats with moderate posterior paresis. The cause of posterior paresis was unknown. The goats had recently been given haloxon and had also been grazing in a pasture with carpetweed (Kallstroemia hirsutissima). Haloxon and carpetweed have each been reported to cause posterior paresis in livestock. An electrical stimulus applied subcutaneously in the pelvic limb of the affected goats failed to evoke an SER at the cerebral cortex. Electrical stimulation in the thoracic limb evoked a normal-appearing SER. The absence of SER from pelvic limb stimulation indicated a functional impairment of the somatosensory pathways.”