The World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut
Sep 2007


Examples of Nut in Gaertner (1788-1792)





Illustrations and captions pieced together from Gaertner (1788) for Scirpus setaceus and Carex vulpina.  Gaertner (1788) described the pericarpium of Scirpus setaceus as “Nux minima” but also as a nutlet in his caption to the figures.  This is in contrast to Cyperus pumilus where he indicated that the pericarpium was absent (“nullum”).  Under Carex vulpina he referred to the pericarpium as a “Nux”; however, he further noted “Nux, stricte loquendo, non verum pericarpium, sed merum seminis involucrum est, ex corolla indurate, aut nectario, ut vult Linnaeus (Nut, strictly speaking, is not a true pericarpium, but is merely a seed involucrum from an indurated corolla, or nectarium as commonly called by Linnaeus).