Castilleja angustifolia
White Mts, CA
Photo by Susan Spjut
May 2006 |

Castilleja applegatei
Marble Mts. Wilderness,
Deep Lake, CA
July 2005

Castilleja applegatei
ssp. disticha
Piute Peak, CA
Kern Co. CNPS Chapter Field Trip,
June 1, 2013 |

Castilleja applegatei
ssp. pinetorum
Kern Plateau, CA
Tulare Co.,
26 June 2015 |

Castilleja arachnoidea
Marble Mts. Wilderness,
Deep Lake, CA
July 2005 |
Castilleja caudata
Near Cantwell, AK
Spjut & Marin 15497,
Jul 2003

Castilleja chromosa
Inyo Co., Fish Lake Valley, CA
15 May 1973 |

Castilleja chromosa
Mojave Desert, Clark Co., Spring Mts., NV
Apr 2005 |

Castilleja foliosa
Tehachapi Mountains, CA
Tejon Hills, CNPS Kern Chapter Field Trips, led by Mike White,
7 March 2015 |

Castilleja foliosa
Transverse Ranges, CA
Spjut 15332, May 2003 |

Castilleja latifolia
Coastal scrub,
San Luis Obispo Co., CA
24 Feb 2011 |
Castilleja mendocinensis
Coastal scrub,
Mendocino Co., CA
July 2005 |
Idaho: North-central, Clearwater Natl. For.,
Johnson Gulch,
46º31.869, 115º39.004, elev. 3,900 ft, mosaic of meadows and forests
along streams with frequent patches of
Veratrum californicum, forest of Englemann
spruce, grand fir, western red cedar, subalpine fir. 27
July 2011 |

Castilleja miniata
Nevada. Inyo NF: East side of Boundary Peak, Trail Canyon;
37º51.919, 118º18.604, 9000 ft. Marginal areas of western birch-willow
thickets along open ravine patches of corn lily in valley bordered by
with Rosa nutkana, Juncus drummondii,, Iris
missouriensis. 8 July 2009.

Castilleja rhexifolia
Albion Basin, 8500 ft., UT
July 2005

Castilleja subinclusa
California. Kern Co.:
Near Piute Peak
Kern Co. CNPS Chapter Field Trip
June 1, 2013

Castilleja subinclusa
Kern Co., S Sierra Nevada, CA
Apr 2005 |

Castilleja sulphurea
Southern Rocky Mts.— Colorado. Archuleta
Co., San Juan NF, between Durango and Pagosa Springs, Forest Road to
Devils Peak, ~ 2 miles north off Hwy 160; 37º13'11.6", 107º18’41.5”,
3000 m. Spruce-fir forest. SPJ-16400, 29 July 2008. |
Castilleja unalaschensis
Palmer Creek, Kenai
Peninsula AK, Spjut &
Marin 15397, Jul 2003 |