Wildflowers of Western Australia
World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut
April 2003; Nov 2006; last updated Nov 2014
Memoranda on Planning and Plant Collecting
in Western Australia.
1. USDA Travel
Report on
Plants Collected in Western
Australia and Tasmania for Cancer Research, 1981 Most photographs presented below were taken during Aug to Nov 1981 using a Nikon camera and special lenses using Kodachrome ASA 64 slide film. Occasionally Ektachrome film was used when Kodachrome was not available. Each roll of film was sequentially numbered. Dates of slide processing and the sequence of numbers for each roll were reviewed after return to the office in Beltsville, Maryland with the notes written in field notebook that were taken during collecting. Some species names were written on slides before vouchers were reviewed and identified. Some photos were taken of plants that were not collected. All photos were briefly reviewed before they were scanned in 2003 by an assistant who used the file names on the slides, but many had to be rescanned because they were scanned in reverse. Vouchers were deposited at NA (before Oct 1982), PERTH (Oct 1981), US (22 Nov 1982), and the original set was kept by the author at his USDA office in Beltsville MD (BARC) until 1997 at which time they were sent to OSHKOSH. Additionally, a photocopy of the original of each voucher specimen was made and collectively assembled in a binder organized alphabetically by family/genus/species names in which the monocots and dicots were placed separate sections. This record is retained at the WBA in Bakersfield. Additionally, a photocopy of all herbarium labels is kept in another binder filed sequentially by collector's (SPJ) number. The collection data are now available online through FloraBase and Atlas of Living Australia, which includes many of the duplicate specimens at US, and also specimens collected during 1991 and 1992, a total of 850 collections for three trips made to WA. Also noted are the assistants who helped gather the samples associated with that voucher. It should be kept in mind that many of the original identifications have been revised since 1982, and will continue to be revised as the plant taxonomic studies continue on the flora of Western Australia. In 1981, the WA flora it was estimated to have 7,695 species (Green 1981); in 2013 the number increased to more than 11,000 species (not counting subspecies and varieties),11,160 in FloraBase 2014 (Nov 2014). FloraBase. 2014. Western Australian Flora Statistics. https://florabase.dpaw.wa.gov.au/#. Accessed 3 Nov 2014. Green, J.W. 1981. Census of the vascular plants of Western Australia. Western Australian Herbarium, Dept. Agriculture, South Perth, WA.
Adenanthos barbiger |
Anarthria scabra |
Anarthria scabra
Anarthria scabra
Anigozanthos humilis
Anigozanthos humilis |
Anigozanthos menziesii |
Anigozanthos menziesii |
Anthocercis littorea |
Anthocercis littorea |
Banksia attenuata |
Banksia attenuata |
Banksia menziesii |
Calectasia intermedia
Calothamnus quadrifidus ssp. quadrifidus |
Calythropsis aurea |
Calytrix sp. |
Caustis dioica |
Caustis dioica |
Chamaecrista |
Chamaecrista |
Conospermum crassinervium
Conospermum distichum
Conospermum flexuosum |
Conospermum floribundum |
Conospermum incurvum |
Conospermum incurvum |
Conospermum stoechadis
Conostephium pendulum |
Conostylis juncea |
Conostylis setigera |
Darwinia citriodora |
Dasypogon bromeliformis
Dasypogon hookeri
Dasypogon bromeliformis |
Daviesia triflora
Daviesia triflora
Daviesia triflora
Drosera pallida
Drosera pallida
Drosera sp.
Banksia (Dryandra) armata |
Banksia dallanneyi var. dallanneyi
Eriostemon spicatus |
Fumaria capreolata
Gompholobium tomentosum |
Grevillea bipinnatifida ssp. bipinnatifida |
Grevillea petrophilioides |
Grevillea thyrsoides
Hakea auriculata (Proteaceae)
Hakea bucculenta (Proteaceae)
Hakea prostrata (Proteaceae) |
Hemiandra pungens
Hibbertia hypericoides |
Hovea pungens
Isopogon formosus
Isopogon formosus
Johnsonia pubescens ssp. pubescens |
Kennedia coccinea |
Lechenaultia biloba
Lechenaultia linarioides |
Lepidobolus preissianus
Lepidobolus quadratus
Logania spermacocca
Desmocladus fasciculatus
Leucopogon pulchellus
![]() Lyginia imberbis Restionaceae SPJ-6913B |
Lysinema ciliatum |
Macroptera fulgida |
Leptospermum spinescens |
Patersonia occidentalis |
Petrophile biloba
Petrophile linearis
Petrophile seminuda
Phlebocarya ciliata |
Pityrodia hemigenioides |
Stirlingia latifolia
Stirlingia latifolia |
Stylidium crossocephalum |
Synaphea petiolaris |
Synaphea polymorpha
Thysanotus patersonii
Verreauxia reinwardtii |
Verreauxia reinwardtii |
Verticordia grandiflora |
Xanthorrhoea drummondii |
Xanthosia rotundifolia |
Xanthosia rotundifolia |
Xylomelum angustifolium |
Zantedeschia |