

©The World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut
December 2004, Oct 2015


Arthrocnemum (Salicornia) subterminale
San Antonio del Mar, BCN (Mexico)
Spjut & Marin 5304


Arthrocnemum subterminale (Salicornia subterminalis Parish 1898) Standley 1914. Glasswort. Subshrub with older creeping woody stems and young erect green jointed fleshy stems, fleshy stems with numerous short ascending to erect branches much like asparagus, each joint dilated at apex into short bilobed sheath; leaves opposite, scale-like. Flowers Apr–Sep, inconspicuous on lower joints of terminal branches, in groups of three (cymes), opposite, immersed except for exserted 1–2 stamens and 2–3 styles, calyx 3–4 parted; fruit (diclesium) an utricular pericarpium (seed free from pericarp) covered by a persistent calyx.  Coastal marsh and interior alkaline wetlands from central California south to Baja California and Sinaloa. Type from San Jacinto River, Riverside County, California. Parish’s glasswort patches (alliance) recognized when >30% relative cover with other salt marsh plants. Kern Co.: “Colonies scarce in moist places in the alkali plains in the Adobe Road district south and west of Arvin.” (Twisselmann).