©The World Botanical Associates Web Page
Prepared by Richard W. Spjut, July 1999
Last Revised, May 2000; July 2007
, March 2010


  1. Appendino, G. 1995. The phytochemistry of the yew tree. Natural Products Reports 12: 349-360.

  2. Axelrod, D. I. 1986. Cenozoic history of some western American pines. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 73: 565-641.


  3. __________. 1983. Biogeography of oaks in the Arcto-tertiary Province. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 70: 629-657. 


  4. __________. 1976. History of the coniferous forests, California and Nevada. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, 1-62.


  5. __________. 1975. Evolution and biogeography of Madrean-Tethyan sclerophyll vegetation. Ann.  Missouri Bot. Gard. 62: 280- 334.

  6. Bailey, L. H. 1933. The cultivated conifers of North America. MacMillan Co., New York.


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  9. Bertrand, C. E. 1874. Anatomie comparée des tiges et des feuilles chez les Gnétacées et les Conifères. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique série 5, 20: 6-153.

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  25. Elias, T. S. and V. Korzhenevsky. 1992. The presence of taxol and related compounds in Taxus baccata native to the Ukraine (Crimea), Georgia, and southern Russia. Aliso 13: 463-470.


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  27. El-Kassaby, Y. A. and A. D. Yanchuk. 1994. Genetic diversity, differentiation, and inbreeding in Pacific yew from British Columbia. J. Heredity 85: 112-117.

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  35. __________. 1948a. On the morphology and relationships of the Taxaceae. Botanical Gazette 110: 31-39.


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  51. Hill, K. D. 1998. Gymnosperms’—The paraphyletic stem of seed plants. Flora of Australia 48: 505-526.


  52. Hils, M. 1993. Taxaceae Gray. Yew family. Flora of North America 2: 423-427.

  53. Holmgren, P. K., Holmgren, N. H. & Barnett, L. C. 1990. Index Herbariorum. Part I: The herbaria of the world. 8th ed. W. Junk, The Hague.
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  55. Hu, S-Y. 1964. [Notes on] the Flora of China. Taiwania: 13-62.

  56. Humphries, C. J. 1982. Vacariance biogeography in Mesoamerica. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69: 444-463.

  57. International Yew Resources Conference. March 12-13, 1993. Program Abstracts [and] Exhibitors. A project of the Native Yew Conservation Council (NYCC), ed. C. R. Temple, 40 pp., Berkeley CA.


  58. Jarvis, C. E., F. R. Barrie, D. M. Allan and J. L. Reveal. 1993. A list of Linnaean generic names and their types. Regnum Veg. 127.


  59. Keen, R. A. History and development of Taxus in the U.S. 1975. Proceedings International Taxus Symposium, Ohio Agric. Res. Hort. Ser. 421: 2-5.

  60. Kingston, D.G.I. 1996. Improving on nature. Taxane J. 2: 20-27.

  61. __________, A. A. Molinero, and J. M. Rimold. 1993. The taxane diterpenoids. In W. Herz, G. W. Kirby, R. E. Moore, W. Steglich,  & Ch. Tamm, eds., Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products 61: 1-206, Springer, Vienna.

  62. __________., G. Samaranayake and C. A. Ivey. 1990. The chemistry of taxol, a clinically useful anticancer agent. J. Nat. Prod. 53: 1-12.
  63. Klicka, J. and R. M. Zink. 1997. The importance of recent ice ages in speciation: A failed paradigm. Science 277: 1666-1669.

  64. Kolesnikov, B. P. 1935. On the shrubby kind of the spiky yew (Taxus cuspidata S. et Z.). Bull. Far E. Branch Acad. Sci., USSR 31-47 (In Russian with English summary).

  65. Kvaček, Z.  [1986]. Tertiary taxads of NW Bohemia. 1982 Acta Univer. Carolinae—Geolog., Pokorny 4: 471-491.


  66. Krüssmann, G. 1972, 1985. Manual of cultivated conifers. Translated by M. E. Epp, eds. H.-D. Warda & G. S. Daniels. Timber Press, Portland (1985).


  67. Kwei, Y-l. and S.-y. Hu. 1974. [Epidermal feature of leaves of Taxus in relation to taxonomy]. Acta Phytotaxomica Sinica 12(3): 329-334 & plate 67 [Chinese with English summary].


  68. Laubenfels, D. J., de.  1988. Coniferales. Flora Malesiana 10(3): 337-453. 


  69. Leighton, W. A. 1841.  A flora of Shropshire. E. P. Publishling Ltd (reprint 1978).


  70. Loudon, J. C. 1844. Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum. Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, London (2nd ed., "almost identical with original" reportedly published 1838, Stafleu & Cowan 1981).

  71. Mai, D. H. 1998. Contribution of the flora of he middle Oligocene Calau Beds in Brandenburg, Germany. Rev. Paleobot. Palynol. 101: 43-70.

  72. Manchester, S. R. 1994. Fruits and seeds of the Middle Eocene Nut Beds Flora, Clarno Formation, Oregon. Palaeontographica Americana 58: 1-205.


  73. __________. 1999. Biogeographical relationships of North American Tertiary Floras. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 86: 472-522.

  74. McKenna, M. C. 1983. Holarctic landmass rearrangement, cosmic events, and Cenozoic terrestrial organisms. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 70: 459-489.

  75. McIver, E. E. 1992. Fossil Fokienia (Cupressaceae) from the Paleocene of Alberta, Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 70: 742-749.


  76. __________. and J. F. Basinger 1990. Fossil seed cones of Fokienia (Cupressaceae) from the Paleocene Ragenscrag Formation of Saskatchewan, Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 68: 1609-1618.


  77. __________ and __________. 1989. The morphology and relationships of Thuja polaris sp. nov. (Cupressaceae) from the early Tertiary, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada.  Cand. J. Bot. 67: 1903-1915.

  78. Meyer, H. W. and S. R. Manchester 1997. The Oligocence Bridge Creek Flora of the John Day Formation, Oregon. Univ, Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci 141: 1-195, 75 pl.

  79. Nicolosi, R. T. 1982. Morphological features of leaves and pollen as in aid in separating selected species and cultivars within the genus Taxus. Thesis, Ph.D., Ohio State University.


  80. Ohwi, J. 1965. Flora of Japan. English translation, eds. F. G. Meyer & E. H. Walker, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.


  81. Ouden, P. den & B. K. Boom. 1965. Manual of cultivated conifers. M. Nijhoff, Hague.


  82. Palamarev, E. 1989. Paleobotanical evidences of the Tertiary history and origin of the Mediterranean sclerophyll dendroflora. Pl. Syst. Evol. 162: 93-107.


  83. Perdue, R. E., Jr. and J. L. Hartwell. 1969. The search for plant sources of anticancer drugs. Morris Arboretum Bulletin 20(3): 35-53.


  84. Pilger, R. 1903. Taxaceae-Taxoideae—Taxeae. In Engler, A. (Ed.), Das Pflanzenreich IV: 5.


  85. __________. 1916. Die Taxales. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft Nr. 25: 1-28.


  86. Prakash, U., Nai-zheng, and P. P. Tripathi. 1995. Fossil woods from the Miocene sediments of China with remarks on environmental implications of Miocene floras of the region. Barbal Sahni Centenary (Vol. 1995): 341-360.


  87. Prance, G. T. 1982. A review of the phytogeographic evidences for Pleistocene climate changes in the neotropics. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69: 594-624.


  88. Price, R. A. 1990. The genera of Taxaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arn. Arb. 71: 69-71.


  89. Rehder, A. 1949. Bibliography of cultivated trees and shrubs. Arnold Arboretum, MA.


  90. __________. 1940. Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs.2nd ed.MacMillan Co., New York.

  91. __________. 1936. Notes on the ligneous plants described by H. Levéillé from eastern Asia. Taxaceae. J. Arn. Arb. 17: 54.

  92. __________. 1925. Taxus hunnewelliana hybr. nov. J. Arn. Arb. 6: 201-202.

  93. __________. 1923. A systematic enumeration of the conifers cultivated in North America. In L. H. Bailey, The cultivated evergreens, p. 169-331. MacMillan Co., New York.


  94. __________. 1923. New species, varieties and combinations from the herbarium and the collections of the Arnold Arboretum. Taxus media hybr. nov., Taxus media f. hatfieldii forma nov., Taxus media f. hicksii, comb. nov. J. Arn. Arb. 4: 107-109.

  95. __________. 1919. New species, varieties and combinations from the herbarium and the collections of the Arnold Arboretum. J. Arn. Arb. 1: 44-60.

  96. Reveal, J. L. 1998. Comments on Art. 14, footnote 2: first place publication for seed plant family names. Taxon 47: 851-856.

  97. Rowinsky, E. K., L. A. Cazenave, and R. C. Donehower. 1990. Taxol: a novel investigational antimicrotubule agent. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 82: 1247-1259.


  98. Rozendaal, van E. L. M., S. J. L. Kurstjens, T. A. van Beek, R. G. van den Berg. 1999. Chemotaxonomy of Taxus. Phytochemistry 52: 427-433.


  99. Schopf, J. M. 1981. Evidence from findings of molecular biology with regard to the rapidity of genomic change: implications for species durations. Pp. 135-192 in K. J. Niklas, ed., Paleobotany, paleoecology, and evolution, Praeger Publishers, NY.


  100. Siebold, de P. F. and J. G. Zuccarini [1870]. Flora japonica, pts 6-10. Lugduni batavorum.

  101. _________ and _________. 1843. Plantarum, quas in Japonia collegit Dr, Ph. Fr. de Siebold. Genera Nova. Notis characteristicis delineatiionibusque illustrata proponunt, I. Abh. Math.-Phys. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 3.


  102. Silba, J. 1984. An international census of the Coniferae, I. Phytologia Mem. 7: 1-79.
  103. Spjut, R. W. 2010.  A revised taxonomic key to species and varieties of Taxus (Taxaceae). Submitted for Poster. III International Workshop,  Ponferrada, León, Spain, Mar 25-26,
    Note: This is nearly the same poster presented in 2000 except  for updated nomenclatural changes in  the Baccata Group, updated geographical distribution data for some species and varieties, and improved images for two figures   Printed copies were sent in 2007, along with reprints of the 2007 papers, to institutions who provided loans. The files were submitted electronically in pdf format.

  104. Spjut, R. W. 2007. Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Taxus (Taxaceae). J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 1(1): 203–289.


  105. Spjut, R. W. 2007. A phytogeographical analysis of Taxus (Taxaceae) based on leaf anatomical characters. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas: 1(1): 291–332.


  106. Spjut, R. W. 2006. Biogeographical data on putative hybrids for species of Taxus (Taxaceae) in the Himalayas and North America. Abstract, Botanical Society of America, Chico State CA, July 29–Aug 2.


  107. Spjut, R. W. 2000. Three abstracts submitted online for the upcoming meeting of the Amercian Systematic Plant Taxonomist being held at Portland, OR, August.

    (1) A phytogeographical analysis and classification of leaf morphological features in 

        Taxus (Taxaceae).

    (2) The morphological relationships of Taxus canadensis (Taxaceae) in North America

         and Eurasia.

    (3) A revised taxonomic key to species and varieties of Taxus (Poster). (See also Spjut 2010).


  108. __________. Morphological evolution in the Taxus leaf and its significance to recognizing ecological species within the genus. Presented at the AIBS Annual Meeting, American Systematic Plant Taxonomists, Baltimore Convention Center, MD, Aug. 5, 1998, Abstract, Botanical Society of America. Also, Species of Taxus (URL:


  109. __________. Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on three confusing species of Taxus (Taxaceae) in Asia (web publication only).


  110. __________. 1994. A Systematic Treatment of Fruit Types. Mem. New York Bot. Gard., Vol 70, 181 pp, 53 plates, 153 illus.


  111. __________. 1993. Abstract. Reliable Morphological Characters for Distinguishing Species of Taxus. Paper presented at the International Yew Resources Conference, Berkeley, CA, Mar 12-13, 1993.


  112. __________. 1992. Abstract. A taxonomic key to the species of Taxus. Workshop on Taxus, Rockville, MD.


  113. __________. Limitations of a random screen: Search for new anticancer drugs in higher plants. Economic Botany: 39(3): 266-288.


  114. __________. 1977. [USDA, ARS Memorandum, July 14]. Taxus brevifolia (Taxaceae) reviewed by GMC (Gudrun M. Christensen). A review of literature on taxonomy, ecology, and geographical distribution of the species, including its description, summary of geographical distribution by state or province, and literature reviewed.  Distributed periodically during 1981-1992 by the National Cancer Institute to prospective suppliers, without reference to the author, for solicitations of contract bids on up to 30 tons of bark. 


  115. _________, J-Y. Zhou & C-J. Chang. 1993. Comparison of taxane content between two different native yews from the Pacific northwest. Poster/Abstract, Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of American Society of Pharmacognosy, San Diego, CA, Jul.


  116. __________., D. G. I. Kingston and J. M. Cassady. 1992. Systematic Screening of Bryophytes for Antitumor Agents. Tropical Bryology 6: 193-202.


  117. _________, J. M. Cassady, T. McCloud, D.H. Norris, M. Suffness, G.M. Cragg, and C.F. Edson. 1988. Variation in cytotoxicity and antitumor activity among samples of a moss, Claopodium crispifolium (Hook.) Ren. & Card. (Thuidiaceae). Econ. Bot. 42(1): 62-72.


  118. __________, R. W., M. Suffness, G. M. Cragg, and D. H. Norris. 1986. Mosses, liverworts and hornworts screened for antitumor agents. Econ. Bot. 40: 310-338.


  119. Srivastava, S. K. 1994. Evolution of Cretaceous phytogeoprovinces, continents and climates. Rev. Paleobot. Palynol. 82: 197-224.


  120. Strauss, S. H., A. H. Doerksen, and J. R. Byrne. 1989. Evolutionary relationships of Douglas-fir and its relatives (genus Pseudotsuga) from DNA restriction fragment analysis. Can. J. Bot. 68: 1502-1510.


  121. Suffness, M (ed.). 1995. TAXOLScience and applications. CRC Press, Inc.


  122. __________ and J. Douros. 1979. Drugs of plant origin. Pp. 73-126 in V. T. DeVita and H. Busch, ed., Methods in Cancer Research, Vol. 16. Academic Press, New York.


  123. Taylor, R. L. 1932. The successional trend and its relation to second growth forests in southeastern Alaska. Ecology 13: 381-390


  124. __________ and S. Taylor. 1980. Taxus brevifolia in British Columbia. Davidsonia 12: 89-94.


  125. ___________ 1985b. The Eocene North Atlantic Land Bridge: Its importance in Tertiary and modern phytogeography of the northern hemisphere. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 66: 243-273.


  126. Tschudy, R. H., C. L. Pillmore, C. J. Orth, J. S. Gilmore, and J. D. Knight. 1984. Disruption of the terrestrial plant ecosystem at the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary, western interior. Science 255: 1030-1032. 

  127. Tsumura, Y., K. Yoshimura, N. Tomaru, and K. Ohba. 1995. Molecular phylogeny of conifers using RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified specific chloroplast genes. Theoretical Applied Genetics 91: 1222-1236.

  128. Vance, N. C. and Krupkin, A. B. 1993. Using restriction fragment length polymorphisms to assess genetic variability among yew taxa. Yew (Taxus) conservation biology and interactions: 34, Berkeley, CA (abstract).


  129. Veitch, J. and Sons. 1881. A manual of the Coniferae. Published by the authors, Kings Road, Chelsea.


  130. Voliotis, D. 1986. Historic and environmental significance of the yew (Taxus baccata L.). Israel J. Bot. 35: 47-52.


  131. Wani, M.C., H. L. Taylor, M. E. Wall, M. E. P. Coggon, & A. T. McPhail. 1971. Plant antitumor agents. VI. The isolation and structure of taxol, a novel antileukemic and antitumor agent from Taxus brevifolia. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 93: 2325-2327.


  132. Wilkinson, R. C., Hanover, J. W., Wright J. W. & Flake, R. H. 1971. Genetic variation in the monoterpene composition of white spruce. For. Sci. 17: 83-90.


  133. Wilson, E. H. 1916. The conifers and taxads of Japan. Publ. Arn. Arb. 8: 1-91, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.